Introduction to the Foundation
Chairman Je-Fu Cheng is a former presiding judge of Taiwan Supreme Court and currently serves as an adjunct professor for the master level classes of Central Police University, Chinese Culture University, and Shih-Hsin University.
Mr. Cheng has served as a judge of the Taiwan Taipei District Court, a judge and chief judge of the Taiwan Shilin District Court, a judge and chief judge of the Taiwan Taipei District Court, a judge of the Taiwan High Court, and a judge and presiding judge of the Taiwan Supreme Court. With his rich experience in judicial practice, he has accrued extensive legal expertise, especially in the areas of labor law and civil law.
After serving as a judge for several decades, Mr. Cheng is now retired from his role as a judge and serves instead in several well-known universities as an adjunct professor. Because of his commitment to promote the rule of law and to build people's trust in the judicial system, he has devoted himself to legal education and the promotion of dialogue between academic theory and judicial practice in order to create a rule of law environment that incorporates both legal theories and social phenomena.

Je-Fu Cheng
About Hu-Lu Educational Foundation:
The purpose of the Foundation is to promote the rule of law, support legal education, encourage training of legal and educational personnel, advance public interest, and contribute to society. We conduct the following activities in accordance with relevant provisions of the law:
- Promote legal education
- Hold and sponsor seminars, symposiums, lectures, or academic exchanges related to law or other educational topics.
- Promote public welfare activities of literature and art, sports, and social education.
- Promote teacher training or exchange activities for early childhood education and schools at all levels.
- Set up and donate to scholarships.
- Other public welfare educational activities that meet the objectives of the Foundation.
一、 常在法律文教基金會為獎勵國內法律系或法律研究所成績優良之在學學生,特設本獎學金,定名為「常在法學獎學金」。
二、 本獎學金每年名額六名,由本基金會選定國內六所大學法律學院,由法律系或法律研究所,以書面覆函推薦一名法律系三年級以上或法律研究所之在學學生,經本基金會審定認可後,取得本獎學金。
三、 本獎學金金額新台幣陸萬元整。
四、 受獎人需提供簡歷/自傳/近照/成績單並符合下列條件(委請學校推薦人自行審核認定):
- 在校(系或所)期間歷年學業成績優異。
- 品性優良,在校期間未受記過以上處分。
- 家境清寒者優先。