Formosan Brothers collaborates with the Taiwan Industry-Academia Technology Alliance for Energy Digital Transformation to host the "ESG Sustainable Impact: Net Zero Transformation and Corporate Governance" summit forum.

The Taiwan Industry-Academia Technology Alliance for Energy Digital Transformation, established by Chung Hwa University the support from the National Science and Technology Council, cooperates with the Risk Society and Policy Research Center of National Taiwan University and Formosan Brothers Attorn



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The Taiwan Industry-Academia Technology Alliance forEnergy Digital Transformation, established by Chung Hwa University the supportfrom the National Science and Technology Council, cooperates with the RiskSociety and Policy Research Center of National Taiwan University and FormosanBrothers Attorneys-at-Law to host the "ESG Sustainable Impact: Net ZeroTransformation and Corporate Governance" summit forum. The forum will beheld on September 28 at the GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center.

[Economic Daily] "ESG SustainableImpact: Net Zero Transformation and Corporate Governance" summit forumwill be held on September 28

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