Mr. Kuo-Ming Huang Was Invited to Chung-Tsing-Hui of Taichung to Speak on “Passing the Company Baton from the Perspective of Corporate Governance”

December 22, 2020

Mr. Kuo-Ming Huang, Senior Partner and CSO of Formosan Brothers Attorneys-at-Law, was honored to be invited to “Chung-Tsing-Hui” of Taichung (“Listed Companies Management Association of Central Taiwan,” abbreviated as “Chung-Tsing-Hui”) on December 20, 2020, to speak on “Passing the Company Baton fr



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Mr. Kuo-Ming Huang, Senior Partner and CSO of Formosan Brothers Attorneys-at-Law, was honored to be invited to “Chung-Tsing-Hui” of Taichung (“Listed Companies Management Association of Central Taiwan,” abbreviated as “Chung-Tsing-Hui”) on December 20, 2020, to speak on “Passing the Company Baton from the Perspective of Corporate Governance.” Through easy and lively illustrations and verbal mnemonics, Mr. Huang helped the audience to have a better understanding of the importance of corporate governance. The easy-to-understand tables and explanations also helped the audience understand the relationship between corporate governance and passing the company baton to the next generation. The talk was well-acclaimed with active participation from the audience.