Al Tung of Formosan Brothers Was Invited as a Panelist for the “2021 Symposium on Design Patent Practices”

January 25, 2021

Lately, design patents have gained the attention of people in the industry. On January 22, 2021, the Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association held the “2021 Symposium on Design Patent Practices;” topics such as design patent prosecution, patent infringement analysis, and patent effect were the center of



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Lately, design patents have gained the attention of people in the industry. On January 22, 2021, the Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association held the “2021 Symposium on Design Patent Practices;” topics such as design patent prosecution, patent infringement analysis, and patent effect were the center of the discussions. Mr. Al Tung, a patent attorney of Formosan Brothers Attorneys-at-Law, was invited as a panelist for the session of “Clear and Sufficient Disclosure by Specifications and Drawings.”  With respect to this topic, he explained the prosecution practices and analyzed the Design Patent Examination Guidelines amended in November 2020. In addition, he also provided relevant opinions and suggestions.